Stand Firm & Believe

God honors faith, stubborn faith. We must not overlook the fact that faith on our part helps God to carry out his plans for you. Be willing to come to the help of the Lord. Faith assist God. It can shut the mouths of lions and quench the most destructive fire. Faith still honors God, and God honors faith. Oh for the kind of faith that will move ahead, leaving God to fulfill his promise when he sees fit. Let us shoulder our load, without looking as though we were carrying God’s coffin. Let us launch our ships into the deep. You will find that all things are possible with God, and everything is possible for him who believes. Today let us attempt great things for God, taking His faith to believe great things and taking his strength to accomplish them! Stand firm and believe!

Lord, I will stand with you. I will have stubborn faith. I will trust in you and what you promise. I will stand even when I can not see it, I will trust that you working behind the scenes. I commit today to be your child who has stubborn faith. In Christ name, amen.