Watch & Pray

Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:41)
Jesus was at Gethsemane and said to his disciples to “sit here while I go over there and pray.” He took with him Peter and two sons of Zebedee. He said to them my soul is deeply grieved, remain here and keep watch for me. He came to his disciples and found them sleeping and said to Peter could you not keep watch with me for one hour?
Dear friend, never go out into the danger of the world without praying first. There is always temptation to shorten your time in prayer. Do not use excuses to resign yourself from prayer. Temptations are waiting to confront you, and you are not prepared to withstand them. When we give in to laziness, moments of prayers that are missed can never be redeemed. We may learn from the experience, but we will miss the freshness and strength that would have been imparted during those moments. We do not know all that Jesus gained from his time in prayer, but we do know this – a life without prayer is a POWERLESS LIFE. It may be a life filled with great deal of activity and noise, but it will be far removed from him who prays day and night to God. Please do not be caught sleeping. Jesus has called you to be his disciples, can you not tarry for one hour?
Lord, Please remove any distractions that would deter me from time with you. May I wake up every morning starting my day in prayer with you so that I may be equipped for my day. I want to spend more time in you. I do not want to fall into temptation as my day goes on. I want to seek you and you alone and I know by spending time in you that is wear my strength comes from, this strength will help me in fighting the temptations that come my way. Thank you for who you are and all you do. In Christ Name, Amen!